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YouTube Channel Members
As little as $2/month
When you fill out the registration form, use the same name that you used on YouTube.

If you have not yet become a YouTube channel member and set your monthly donation, do not fill out this for because it will not get approved. The channel membership must be created first because it will be cross verified using your user name or email. This is not to be confused with subscribing to the channel. To join as a channel member you press the JOIN button next to the SUBSCRIBE button below any of our videos on YouTube.

Once verified, you will then have access to the music downloads page and other member only pages.

You Decide!
When you fill out the registration form, use the same name that you used on Patreon.

If you have not yet become a Patreon member and set your monthly donation, do not fill out this for because it will not get approved. The Patreon membership must be created first because it will be cross verified using your user name or email. Become a Patreon member by clicking this link.

Once verified, you will then have access to the music downloads page and other member only pages.